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Meeting with representatives of "Huawei Tech Investment Tashkent" company

Update date:  15 Mar 2024, 15:14
15 Mar 2024
A meeting was held with representatives of "Huawei Tech Investment Tashkent" company at the Central Bank.

Prospects for increasing and developing the potential of bilateral cooperation were discussed at the meeting.

It was noted that nowadays digital technologies are rapidly developing, and modern technological solutions are gaining urgent importance, which, in turn, creates the need to develop digital development strategies.

During the conversation, information was provided about the company's experience in digital infrastructure and ICT development, as well as the results achieved in this regard.

At the end of the meeting, the representatives of the company stated that they are ready to contribute to increase the capacity of employees of the country's banking system.

For information: Huawei, founded in 1987, is a world leader in the supply of information and communication infrastructure and smart devices. Operating in more than 170 countries and regions, the company has about 195,000 employees and serves more than three billion people in the world.

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