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Meeting with the management of the People's Bank of Kazakhstan and Tenge Bank

Update date:  15 Mar 2024, 18:27
15 Mar 2024
A meeting was held at the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the management of Halyk bank JSC and Tenge bank JSCB.

During the meeting, a brief overview of the results of Tenge bank’s activities in the country was made, and plans for the near future were also considered. The management of Halyk bank emphasized the impressive scale of reforms and the dynamics of development of the banking sector of Uzbekistan, as well as its strategic importance for the further development of Tenge bank.

It was also reported on Tenge bank’s further plans to expand the line of banking products, in particular the introduction of modern, digital instruments for financing the activities of small and medium-sized businesses, based on the accumulated experience in the Kazakhstan market.

In turn, representatives of the Central Bank expressed their readiness to strengthen cooperation in the banking sector.

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